Published weekly 2014 – 2020 and monthly 2022 onwards, Tuesday in the Tropics are short illustrated reports on what Tony Godfrey saw in South-east Asia and its art world. All, or nearly all, Tuesday in the Tropics will eventually be placed on this website – with an index. See No. 1 for why I write them.

6th January 2015

Dear friends and colleagues

I am in Malaysia, but only in spirit. In reality I am still looking at the same mountain in the Philippines as last week and the same laptop, still writing the same book. As you can see from the snap, the mountain is always changing, clouds or mist blowing over and round it, its colours changing with the...

30th December 2014

Dear friends and colleagues

I had hoped to send a report of a reunion meeting of the SBW (Surrounded By Water) group. But with the pressure of Christmas and the New Year that has been postponed. Therefore, the most notable things I have looked at this last week are the mountain opposite where I am staying in the Philippines and my laptop as I try and write. I attach a snap of the mountain but...

23rd December 2014

Dear friends and colleagues

It has for a long time irritated me that the art magazines publish so little on art in South-East Asia where I now live. As they seem uninterested in running regular reviews or articles it seems the best I can do is, starting from today, send a weekly report. There are many good artists here that deserve some...