Ian Woo Interviewed by Tony Godfrey

In his studio 20th March 2023

Ian Woo, Chromatic Pulse React, 2023

TG: How was the pandemic for you?

IW: It was...


Interviewed by Tony Godfrey

In his studio August 2023 – April 2024

Louie Cordero Studio 4th August 2023

We met first on 4th August. His father, to whom he had been very close, had died two weeks earlier....


Recorded in his studio March 2023 and 

Common Man Coffee Roasters – Joo Chiat Road March 2024

Artist’s studio, March 2023, Singapore. Image courtesy of the...

Wawi Navarroza in conversation with Tony Godfrey

Interviewed 3rd January 2024

TG: Wawi, next week you’re traveling to New York for your show. What’s in it?

Wawi: My solo show is entitled “The Other Shore”. It’s a comprehensive collection bookending 2019 and 2023. It spans...

Tony Godfrey and Mawen Ong in conversation

by Facebook messenger August 2022

Normally I begin by asking the artist to select eight of their works including early work to discuss. However, Mawen Ong, gallery director of Mo space and an artist in her own right, felt it impossible to tell the story of Mo...


14th October 2021

After breakfast as Geraldine and I were going for our morning walk, one of Geraldine’s studio assistants came up to her with a colour print-out of some galaxy surrounded by stars.

“What galaxy is that?” I asked.

“The Milky Way photographed...

30th, 31st August & 7th September 2021 by Facebook Messenger

(We talked at the same time as we were agreeing which works to include in the exhibition After the Storm at Mizuma Gallery, Singapore.)

Tony Godfrey. Ling, I thought we could start by talking about your scribble works – the scribbles. An obvious question: are the scribbles by you? If not by...

August 2021 by Gmail chat

12th August 2021.

Tony Godfrey. I wanted to start by asking about your new work for Singapore: six swans, each made from a cut up monobloc chair. Originally you planned to make crows; then minah birds. Why did you end up making swans?

Juan Alcazaren. Yes, I had to change the...

By Facebook Messenger, 29th and 30th September 2021

Tony Godfrey. Good afternoon Leslie!

Leslie de Chavez. Hi Tony, good afternoon!

TG. I am fascinated by your recent set of sculptures, Begotten Jewels (Lot no. 1). But can you explain what the title means and why there are now only 24 pieces. Originally I know you planned to make 30 small...

by email 24th September, then by messenger 30th September

Tony Godfrey. Elaine, to kick it off I always start by asking about the most recent work, so here is my first  question – or maybe its two questions: you wrote me that these are “drawings of my favorite trees during the pandemic, I walk at the park across us to let off steam.” Even without being told that, I would have guessed they are pandemic works. So many artists have turned to...